Back in the Saddle Again
So I've been in a post-breakup, your ex-boyfriend's being sent to war, and now you're suddenly single at 28 after 4 years of a relationship in which I compromised way too much of myself, but he's still my best friend funk. We broke up in April. I haven't touched the road bike much since. Sure, there's been the occaisonal ride here and there, and though I felt a rush of adrenalin on the bike, I lacked severely the motivation, inspiration and dedication to get back on that bicycle (figuratively and literally).
Being that the Quicksilver is a local race, I decided that, training or no training, I would race in the hopes that I would remember how wonderful it was to race, even if I did have a flare for coming in last.
Everything went according to plan, which means I didn't get lost, allowed plenty of time to register, warm up, ride the course and generally feel like I was in control. I'd ridden this course many times before as I'd been racing the QS since 2004. At the start, I stayed with the pack for 3 or 4 laps and then slowly fell away from it. To be expected, afterall my training had only included sleeping in, crying and the occaisonal post-break up fling (I am only human, for christ sake...). Truth be told, though I was racing hard, I enjoyed the solitude of my laps chasing the girl who also fell off the pack. It gave me to time to think, build my confidence and just be. After about 3 laps I caught the girl and we worked together. Thankfully she appreciated the art of endurance and we took turns leading each other around. I depise the girls who expect me to sprint to keep on their wheel when I should be drafting. Besides I was born to be a domestique and rather enjoy pulling someone. It makes me feel useful.
Anyway, after being lapped twice by the pack, I began to wonder if Velo Bella would understood what they had gained by adding me as a teammate. On our final lap, I broke from the girl who'd been pulling me and caught the wheel of those who'd been left behind by those in the pack who sprinted up the last hill. I followed their trail to achieve the slightest of ego-boosts provided by not coming in last.
It was a good race. and I think it worked. I am hoping to race this weekend in Richmond and possibly on Sunday at the RFK Crit. I'm still finding it hard to train during the week but hopefully I'll emerge soon from the self-imposed no-good, very bad funk.